Twist lives in a underwater "seaside" beach town populated by giant sea animals. She works as a traffic police and has a difficulty living in a world that wasn't built with her kind in mind.
Twist's current goal is to collect enough money so she could move to largest city in the indian ocean, and turn her guitar playing hobby into a real career.
When Twist was a baby, She was thrown to the sea in a bag filled with rocks, but fortunately before anything bad could happen, twist was found by a turtle couple. now she lives in an underwater town as the only resident who walks on two legs.
•Her hat is meant to resemble a military cap mixed with a slouchy hat.•
•able to grow facial hair.•
•The leaves coming from her hair, are kind of like her ears.•
•flower growing from tail.•
•Character design/character slightly based off of haruomi hosono's tropical trilogy albums (Tropical Dandy, Bon Voyage Co., Paraiso).•
•She can't drive the cars available in the ocean world because of her shape, so instead she uses rollerblades she found at the bottom of a ravine. She uses them everywhere•
•She doesn't have many friends because of her appearance.•
•plays acoustic guitar as a hobby.•
•is unaware of the world above her.•
•traveling around the ocean•
•Standing out too much•