welcome, welcome! this is my shelf wall.. the joy of my shut-in life. its also the most filled area of the room. lets take a closer look!

On the far left, right next to my door entrance, we have my basket shelving. it's only used to store my littlest pet shop collection. See more of it on my COLLECTIONS PAGE

BAM!!! big middle shelf cluster blast!! there's a lot in here! a fair amount of mess we need to take a closer look on. lets start with the round one on the left.

Round shelving! the bottom 2 shelves dont have anything worth looking at, but these 3 here store my remaining LPS related things, my gasmask, small container of gogo's crazy bones and my painting.

We're onto the big shelf! prepare yourself!!! On the very top there's my big and greedy plushies who take too much space. i use their heads to store all kinds of fancy hats i find at various flea shops. under them you can see some smaller (less greedy) friends.

GO MY MANGA AND DVD COLLECTIONS!!! BAAAHHH!!!! usual shelf things,, oh and this crazy empty gap. let's ignore it for the time being.. in the last bottom two shelves i got classic notebook mess. you dont need to see it...

we're here! the small wooden CD holder!! on top we have various special CDs and DVDs that are too ginormous to fit in the rack like everyone else, Nintendo 3DS things and lastly the real and true Yellow Magic Orchestra! classic! underneath there's just simple CDs doing CD things. See more of it on my COLLECTIONS PAGE

We're at the last shelf! the mysterious one that you can't even see in the room pixel art,, its right next to my closet door. its the special home of my anteaters, anime figures, various CD players, clown family and a beautiful rosina wachtmeister cat statue.