The first thing Lutonya saw on his very first birthday was a vast snowy wasteland. No trees in sight, no sun in the sky. Only the loud howling wind carrying snowflakes into his hair. It was serene.
All Lutonya had was the planet he found himself in, and his only memory, The mission that would become it's life's meaning.
Lutonya is a part human, part robot cyborg who was dispatched to help the struggling residents of a slowly dying ice planet.
Its job is to offer assistance to everyone he comes across, doing everyday tasks for those that cannot do them in these extreme weather conditions that lutonya was built to withstand. Everything he does, no matter how mundane, helps the inhabitants stay alive just a little longer.
Lutonya enjoys his line of work, as it is the best way to learn about all the species and races that have lived on the planet before everything drastically changed. It is also a way to him to learn about his own, now extinct species.
Lutonya might have the appearance of a grumpy old person, but these assumptions are far from reality. He lacks the maturity and experience that build up by age and has little to no knowledge of the world and the universe surrounding it. He only has kindness and wonder in his heart, which could be seen as rather childish.
Lutonya's human body was once that of a normal person's, a last one of it's species. with the former owner agreeing to donating their body to science, it would later end up becoming the flesh shell of Lytonya.
•His ribcage area is filled with water.•
•some of his body parts act as compartments/storage.•
•His tail works as a hose•
•anything thats colored orange in his body has a slight glow to it.•
•Lutonya does not need his clothes, but he still wears them in order to disguise themselves from any possible danger. •
•Is supposed to be fully human (with robotic parts), but for some reason sometimes shows cat like behavior•
•Sensitive, but good hearing.•
•Without shoes lutonya can jump very high and outrun most.•
•The ice planet he inhabits is larger than earth, sometimes he has to walk for days, maybe even weeks until coming across another intelligent being.•
•All kinds of life•
•Bright Night sky•
•Walking on 4 legs•
•The light radiating from his body•
•Wearing shoes•
•Scary sounds at night•