Creation date:
19th mar 2024
Now playing:
Yellow Magic Orchestra - Epilogue
Icon Art by: meee :D
Full name: Lutonya c83qrw
Gender/Pronouns: Possibly Male // He/It
Orientation: aromantic
Age: his apperance is around 50-65.
Species: Human (part robot)
Occupation: "assistor"
Lutonya is a part human, part robot cyborg sent to help the struggling residents of an ice planet.

Its job is to offer assistance to anyone he comes across, doing tasks for those that cannot do them in these extreme weather conditions that lutonya can withstand.
many appreciate his help and offer him a place to stay.
he enjoys doing this job as it is the best way to learn about all the species and races who have lived on the planet before everything drastically changed. it is also a way to him to learn about his own, now extinct species.

Lutonya might have the appearance of an old person, but his demeanor doesn't exactly fit his age. he lacks the experience real old people have, he has little to no knowledge of the world and the universe surrounding it.
His resting face might make him seem like a negative person, but in reality he's kind and smiles a lot. he wants best for everyone.
Lutonyas body was donated by one of the last humans to ever live but his brain is "brand new", erased and cleaned with no memories. all he knows is the task his "creator" gave him.
he wishes that one day things change and he'll be able to know how real humans lived and behaved.

•His ribcage area is filled with water.•
•some of his body parts act as compartments/storage.•
•His tail works as a hose•
•anything thats colored orange in his body has a slight glow to it.•
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