What i consumed in April
3rd of May 2024
how many: 5
Yo!!! Its May time!!! Its getting real warm, im not used to this brightness X_X. Since its May already, we're going to look back on what media i experienced during the month of april 2024!!
this month, we've got 5 movies, one of them being a rewatch of MCML, which i will not review AGAIN.
and yes, I didn't experience anything other than movies, even i so had wished. I still havent finished the books i started, give me time.
our month's movies are;; Brokeback Mountain, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (rewatch), Castle in the Sky (rewatch) and Parasite (rewatch).
April was truly the month for rewatches.. Now onto the barebones reviews and thoughts.

Brokeback Mountain
directed by Ang Lee

Brokeback Mountain is a Romance Drama about two cowboys and their lifelong relationship that started when they first met on a shepherding summer job in the 60's.

I watched Brokeback Mountain on the 3rd day of the month, alone in my room like usual.
First things first; VERY GOOD MOVIE. Big thumbs up!
I never thought that when getting into this movie, i'd get such a heartbreaking and life changing experience thats still plaguing my mind after a month of watching it. I was interested for the whole 2 hour runtime, by the time it ended I wished it could've been longer.
Im very new to the romance genre, but i feel like after watching this movie i've discovered the peak of the genre already.
A strange thing i want to note, is that the nature landscapes they filmed at are extremely beautiful. I paid way too much attention to the enviroment than i should have LOL. I don't live in the country, so i keep forgetting that America is actually very gorgeous and not all walmart parking lots XD.
Got totally robbed at The Academy Awards. I will be forever furious about that.
boring meter: 0/5
crazy meter: 2/5
pretty meter: 5/5
OVERALL: 4.5/5 stars!!

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
directed by Hayao Miyazaki

Nausicaä is an adaptation of a manga by the same name created by Miyazaki.
The film takes place in a post-apocalyptic world thats being taken over by a poison jungle. There's cool bugs.

I rewatched Nausicaä on the 4th day of the month, its the start of my "watching all ghibli movies from oldest to newest" challenge im doing all by myself.
The movie itself is fine. its good but not Miyazaki's best work. Nausicaä slightly feels like princess mononoke but less interesting. don't get me wrong, there is still a lot of interesting elements, but i think they could've done so much more with the story and the world.
The best thing about the movie is for sure THE WORLDBUILDING and the visuals and sound. I absolutely love the idea behind the poison jungle and the cool bugs, its so creative and impressive. Peak worldbuilding for reals.
as for the visuals and sound; The animation is fantastic. i loved the opening (the sequence where the title and credits are shown) its just wow, Its hard to describe the feeling it gives me. THE MUSIC?! Joe hisaishi never misses! that man can make some great tunes!!!
wonderful experience overall.
boring meter: 0.5/5
crazy meter: 2/5
pretty meter: 5/5
OVERALL: 3.5/5 stars!!

Castle in the Sky
directed by Hayao Miyazaki

The Plot of Castle in the Sky follows two children pursued by Pirates and The goverment who are trying to access the girl's magical crystal necklace that has connection to a legendary flying castle.

I rewatched Castle in the Sky on the 12nd day of the month, Second movie in "challenge" attempt.
When i was younger, i never cared about this movie. i had seen it, multiple times even, but it never really impacted me. I am happy to say that its better than what i remembered, i care about it a little bit now :).
I really don't know what more to say, The movie was good but i didn't feel like it was phenomenal or anything. the characters and the world weren't extremely engaging, but thats okay. it was a fun movie and thats whats important.
boring meter: 0/5
crazy meter: 1/5
pretty meter: 5/5
OVERALL: 3.5/5 stars!!

directed by Bong joon-ho

Parasite is a Comedy Thriller about a family living in a poverty, who infiltrate the life of a wealthy family using various lies and acts.

I rewatched parasite on the 14th day, this time i wasn't alone and instead was accompanied by a friend.
What can i say that hasn't been said million times already? it is undeniably an EXCELLENT film! Something every single person (well, some) should see atleast once in their lifetime!!!
Parasite was one of the first movies I had seen with that level of detail and "layers", With this rewatch i understood things better than i did back then (especially with the added experience in being poor.) It's a lot, but the good kind of a lot. wow..
Cinematography? FIRE! very good!
I'll keep this review short. i'm not intelligent enough to make anything more thorough, but all u need to know is that the experience was great.
boring meter: 0/5
crazy meter: 4/5
pretty meter: 5/5
OVERALL: 4/5 stars!!