Money was spent
22st of March 2024
Whats happening?: Showing off purchases
Mood: Moneyful
Whats up Antiamorous visitors! It's time to show off my awesomesauce CD and thrift store purchases from the last few weeks, now that the CDs finally came.

My thrift store visits have been really dry for these past months, i haven't come across anything worth showing and that's it, But last week i struck true gold! on this thrift round i also gave my local supermarket a visit.

Behold! my purchases! I am VERY excited about this.
My most beloved find was MERRY CHRISTMAS MR LAWRENCE DVD. are you KIDDING ME!!!!!! i almost screamed when i recognized the spine in the stack of used DVDs. This is A movie i only watched few weeks ago, but i fell in love with it (hear more about it on the upcoming month review). I was hoping to find this DVD too as i entered the building, because otherwise i'd have to purchase it online. thankfully i was stopped by the beautiful actions of fate and luck. oh how happy i am to own it.
...oh! um yeah, the other finds and purchases. I found a rilakkuma bag for just 50 cents! not even a whole euro! i of course had to purchase it. so cheap and cute.
I also picked up 2 NEW boxed LPS on my supermarket visit. a pink anteater and a two pack of a wolf and a fish. I love them so much!!

almost a month ago i had ordered 5 CDs from levykauppa äx. they took so long to ship but now they're finally here. fresh unboxing from just few hours ago,, The Identities of these 5 new CDs are;
Pierce The Veil - Collide With The Sky.
The Used - The Canyon.
of Montreal - Paralytic Stalks.
Stereolab - Dots And Loops.
Mew - Frengers.
Extremely happy with these! This order ended up being really expensive as everything but Frengers was brand new but that's all fine.. IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN!!! I'll be ordering bunch of YMO CDs next month so look forward to that.

that's all for this time. thank you for reading through my irresponsible money spending blog! see you next time.